esh-803On the second trial, however, HUBO successfully completed the task.
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From the beginning, HUBO was better than the other robots at performing the tasks. ( ① ) It was able to drive a vehicle fast and when it encountered a barrier, it was able to turn the vehicle smoothly to avoid it. ( ② ) Next, it was able to get out of the car in less than four minutes and, once out of the vehicle, got on its knees and sped away. ( ③ ) As the series of eight tasks became progressively more difficult, HUBO's performance on the tasks reflected the growing difficulty. ( ④ ) On the fifth task, for which it had to use a drill to cut through a wall, HUBO failed on its first attempt. ( ⑤ ) Generally speaking, it was difficult for a robot to hold a drill in the right position and simultaneously press an on/off button. ( ⑥ ) The task that took the longest time for HUBO was the sixth one, pulling a plug out of a wall socket and putting it back into another. ( ⑦ ) It takes a human less than 10 seconds to perform the task, but it took HUBO 13 minutes and 30 seconds.
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esh-801The robots the Japanese were using, however, were not up to the task.
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In 2011, an earthquake and its accompanying tsunami destroyed Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant. ( ① ) The resulting nuclear disaster released large amounts of radioactive material into the surrounding area. ( ② ) Since it was impossible for humans to work in this environment, the Japanese government considered sending in robots to handle the situation. ( ③ ) Eventually, humans had to do most of the extremely dangerous work.
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esh-702These buildings seem to be taken directly from "Hansel and Gretel.
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Parc Güell is a public park and is one of Gaudi's most decorative works. ( ① ) Gaudi completed this park in 1914. ( ② ) It was built for Eusebi Güell, a rich businessman who admired Gaudi's style. ( ③ ) Parc Güell contains amazing stone structures, gorgeous tiles, and beautiful buildings. ( ④ ) At the entrance to the park are two buildings, both with curved roofs. ( ⑤ ) "The park is also home to a famous dragon fountain, covered with beautiful colored tiles. ( ⑥ ) Known as "El Drac," which means "the dragon" in the language of Catalonia, this colorful fountain is a symbol of Parc Güell. ( ⑦ ) On a hill within the park are curved terraces and multicolored tile seats where visitors can enjoy wonderful views of Barcelona and the sea beyond.
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2411-30Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers.
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Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. ( ① ) As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. ( ② ) You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. ( ③ ) All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ─ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. ( ④ ) And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. ( ⑤ ) We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. ( ⑥ ) We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.
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2411-25The percentage of electricity generation from fossil fuels in the U.S. is higher than that in the U.K., which is also true for renewables.
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The above graph shows the electricity generation from fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables in four countries in 2023. ( ① ) Australia's electricity generation only comes from fossil fuels and renewables, and the percentage of fossil fuels is more than twice that of renewables. ( ② ) In terms of electricity generation from nuclear energy, the U.S. shows the highest percentage among all four countries. ( ③ ) In the U.K., the percentage of electricity generated from nuclear energy is less than a third of that generated from renewables. ( ④ ) Brazil's percentage of electricity generated from renewables is 10 percentage points larger than that of Australia and the U.K. combined.
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